Edições de 20 a 24 de Agosto de 2008, com primeira página disponível na internet.
Portugal, Público
Ladrões preferem bancos mas carrinhas de valores rendem mais. Polícias e juízes criticam dificuldade de aplicar prisão preventiva, especialmente no caso de indivíduos na posse de armas de fogo ilegais.
Irlanda, Irish Independent
Doping row escalates over team ban threat - Hickey 'sick and tired' after drugs fiasco. A bitter row escalated last night after Ireland's Olympic chief threatened to ban the scandal-hit equestrian team from future Games.
Itália Corriere della Sera
Afghanistan, strage di bambini - Kabul accusa la coalizione. Feriti tre soldati italiani. Strage di civili in Afghanistan. Secondo quanto riferito dal ministero dell’Interno di Kabul, settantasei persone, tra cui 50 bambini, sono rimaste uccise durante un bombardamento delle forze della coalizione sotto il comando americano nella provincia occidentale di Herat.
Turquia, Today's Zaman
Police targeted in terrorist car bomb attack, 16 wounded. A car bomb that ripped a minibus in the Aegenian city of Izmir yesterday was an attack targeting the police department, authorities believe. Sixteen were injured in the explosion, including eight police officers.
Argélia, Le soir d'Algérie
Massacre à Bouira – onze citoyens morts et des dizaines de blessés dans un attentat à la voiture piégée.
Burkina Faso, Sidwaya
Tournee du premier-ministre dans les haut-bassins – Tertius Zongo visite les exploitations des producteurs modernes.
Madagáscar, MidiMadagasikara
Bac: Tension lors des délibérations, résultats probablement demain. Les séances de délibération de l’examen du bac à Tana ont connu quelques instants de tension entre les autorités universitaires et des correcteurs, hier matin au grand amphi de DEGS à Ankatso.
Seychelles, The Seychelles Nation
President sets up group to review education system – After the presentation last month of the special report on Seychelles’ education and training system, President James Michel has set up a 10 Member National Education Review Committee, which he will chair.
Irão, Iran Daily
Locating sites for nuclear plants. Managing director of the Production and development of Atomic Energy Company Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh tuesday said contracts have been signed with six domestic companies for locating places for building new nuclear power plants.
Camboja, PhnomPenh Post
Election claims to be heard – But opposition doubts fraud evidence will get fair review. Sam Rainsy Party officials said Thursday they doubted their election complaints would get a fair review as the Constitutional Council continued to examine the opposition's allegations of voter fraud stemming from last month's elections.
Japão, AsahiShimbun
NHK criticized for airing “government PR” – The broadcaster’s subsidiaries were paid to run symposiums sponsored by ministries.
Papua Nova-Guiné, Post-Courier
Police arrest Hami Yawari – Members of the police fraud squad in Port Moresby arrested and charged former Southern Highlands governor Hami Yawari with allegedly misappropriating project grants totalling more than K2.2 million.
Nova Zelândia, New Zeland Herald
Smacking law: now we’ll all get a vote – Referendum likely to revive bitter debate … and the Government can decide to ignore the result. Voters will get the chance to give their verdict on the anti-smacking law when a public referendum is held on the issue next year.
Canadá, La presse
Céline – Tout un cadeau por le 400e du Québec. Quelques 200000 personnes envahissent les plaines pour entendre la Diva.
Haiti, Haiti en marche
Puisque tout est négociable, pourquoi pas aussi le retour d’Aristide ! Tout est négociable en ce moment. Dans les grands marchandages conduits entre le palais national d’un côté et de l’autre un petit groupe de sénateurs et les partis politiques qu’ils représentent, on en est venu à mettre tout sur la table.
Guatemala, Siglo XXI
Girón se entrega. El gerente de MDF llega a PDH donde dice temer por su vida. Luego, juez lo procesa por caso especial de estafa y lavado de dinero.
Chile, El Mercurio de Santiago
Plan antiinflación de Hacienda tien un costo de US$1.000 milliones: Gobierno elimina impuesto de $163 que se paga por cheque y operación bancaria y baja el gravamen a las bencinas.