"So, at the end of this process, we should aim to produce together a 10 to 15 year framework for the expansion and development of higher education. One that sets out what universities should aspire to achieve. And one that is clear about the role of government."Elencando um vasto conjunto de temas de trabalho para os quais solicitou contributos específicos a instituições e individualidades (as questões internacionais do Ensino Superior, a Academia e o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas, o desempenho das instituições de ensino superior, estudos em regime de tempo parcial, o ensino e a vivência dos estudantes, liderança mundial em e-learning, carreiras de investigação, o impacto do desafio demográfico sobre as instituições, a propriedade intelectual), conclui afirmando:
"The challenge, then, is to be at least as proud of our university system in 15 years' time as we justifiably can be today. To do that, we need shared aims. We must accept the scale of the challenge and agree about the importance of success. We must be prepared, where necessary, for radical reform and change. We need a long-term framework for expansion and development. Bold leadership from universities and a clear understanding of how government will provide support. That is what we must now work towards."
Para mais informações e acesso aos documentos já produzidos para informar o debate, aceder ao sítio The Debate on the Future of Higher Education em http://www.dius.gov.uk/policy/he-debate.html