sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011

Paradoxos da autonomia

A discussão sobre a autonomia das instituições de ensino superior, no seu relacionamento com o estado, encerra múltiplas dimensões: pedagógica, científica, de governo e organização interna, de financiamento e gestão financeira, de gestão de recursos humanos. Paradoxal parece ser o facto de que maior autonomia das instituições não significa, necessariamente, maior autonomia dos indivíduos, o que acarreta relações internas mais complexas, que é necessário gerir. Vale a pena ler o que, a este propósito, escreve Peter Maassen:

... making HEIs [Higher Education Institutions] more autonomous does not necessarily mean that the academic staff of the institutions feel that they are better off. Instead of having an "enemy at a distance", they now might get an "enemy in their own house" by which the academic discretion that usually has been associated with teaching and research becomes narrower. This might likely increase the need for accountability within the institutions, and subsequently increase the level of conflict within institutions for resources and funding, not least between departments and faculties. A consequence for the academic leadership might be that they have to spend more time and energy on issues relating to institutional policymaking and negotiation. A possible paradox emerging from this situation is that internal processes might occupy the institutional agendas in a time where the external relations between HEIs and their surroundings are believed to be more important than ever before.

Peter Maassen (2008) The Modernisation of Higher Education Governance in Europe , em Políticas de Ensino Superior - Quatro Temas em Debate, Conselho Nacional de Educação.

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